Buffalo Hunter (Tungsten)

Montechema Firearms

Was: $1,500.00
Now: $1,200.00
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After purchase, please email us at montechema@yahoo.com with your Order Number and a copy of the FFL/SOT where your NFA item(s) will be shipped. NFA Item(s) will be shipped as soon as Form 3 is approved.
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Important: After purchase, please email us at montechema@yahoo.com with your Order Number and a copy of the FFL/SOT where your NFA item(s) will be shipped. NFA Item(s) will be shipped as soon as Form 3 is approved.


The Buffalo Hunter SBS features a 14.5 inch barrel (threaded for Remington Chokes), a Wilson Combat saddle, custom fore end, and custom Cerakote work.

*Note: the Buffalo Hunter is a short barrel shotgun, therefore it is an NFA item and is subject to a tax stamp requirement.